What indicators are available in ATO?

The list of available indicators can be explored in the masterlist for the relevant database. At present an ATO National Database Masterlist of Indicators is available for the national database.

Where does ATO data come from?

All information is derived from publicly-available sources. This includes both primary data gathered from country sources like national statistics agencies or transport ministries as well as secondary data from a range of international organizations and think-tanks. The sources and corresponding weblinks are included in the indicator metadata in the relevant ATO database.

Can I use ATO data/information in my work or research?

Please review our Terms of Service for the scope and limitations of ATO data usage.

How can I cite ATO information?

"Asian Transport Observatory (2024), Asian Development Bank (https://asiantransportobservatory.org/)"

How is the ATO National Database constructed?

Read the ATO National Database User Guide to learn more about the categories and subcategories of transport data included in the ATO National Database.

How can I easily find an indicator?

An overview of indicators is available at the ATO National Database Masterlist of Indicators. You can use the searchbox to find specific indicators.

What is the temporal coverage of information in the ATO?

It includes information from 1990 onwards. In the future, projections will be included as well.

Why does the ATO publish data from multiple sources for one indicator?

Often different methodologies are used to collect and document transport indicators. The ATO team believes that researchers and policy makers need to have access to all available information. The ATO reports transport indicators but does not provide a judgement on which source is best in the case of multiple sources of information.

How often is the data updated in ATO?

Primary data from country sources are extracted and updated at least once a year. Secondary data are extracted and updated on a regular basis after the concerned secondary source has updated its information.

How often is policy information updated in ATO?

ATO gathers policy documents from publicly accessible sources and is maintained as regularly as possible. Missing documents in the database may indicate that either it does not exist or it was not found. If any relevant information is found, please send an email to info@asiantransportobservatory.org

Where can I access transport-related policy documents in Asia and the Pacific?

An annotated repository of transport policy documents is available at the ATO National Transport Policy Documents Database.

Where can I submit suggestions to improve the website?

Please send an email to info@asiantransportobservatory.org

Where can I recommend data or ask questions?

Please send an email to info@asiantransportobservatory.org